Monday, June 30, 2014

Great Celebration

The Prince Edward Island Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries marked our 50th anniversary with a wonderful celebration at the Royal Canadian Legion in Ellerslie on April 26, 2014.  We had an excellent turnout from all five member auxiliaries and a few special guests.

After a delicious lunch from Between Friends catering, our guest speaker the Hon. Marion Reid gave a address that was both entertaining and thought-provoking.  There is no one like her!

Here are some photos from our day.  We are so proud of our groups and the great communities who who help us to support good healthcare for all.

Setting Up


PEIAHA 50th Anniversary History

Beautiful Decorations By Shelly Campbell

More Of Shelly Campbell's Work

Sandra William, Wanda Barlow, Kit Loschiuk and Verna Barlow from
Stewart Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary preparing registration desk.

Set For Lunch

Spring Tulips

Verna Barlow preparing a welcome snack.

Can't have a party without a cake!

Auxiliary members at memorabilia table.

The guests begin to arrive.

Old friends meeting over coffee and snacks.

Getting seated for business meeting.

Memorial candle lit in remembrance of past members.

Back Row: PCHA - Susan Cameron, WHA - Doris Wilkie, Rev. W.J. Phillips Residence Vonda Richard, KCMHA Darlene Clow, Maplewood Manor Auxiliary Sheila MacKay
Front Row: QEHA Dorothy Johnston, PEIAHA Doreen Wooder, SMHA Pam MacKinnon

Kings County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary

Western Hospital Auxiliary

Prince County Hospital Auxiliary

Stewart Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Auxiliary

PEIAHA Executive with Hon. Marion Reid
Secretary Verna Barlow, President Doreen Wooder, Hon. Marion Reid, Treasurer Marilyn Ramsay, Special Events Coordinator Kit Loschiuk

Lunchtime musical entertainment by Roy MacCaull

Lunch is served.

Delicious meal by Between Friends.
SMHA President Pam MacKinnon drawing door prizes.

Hon. Marion Reid

Everyone enjoyed Mrs. Reid's wonderful stories.
President Doreen Wooder thanking Mrs. Reid.

PCH Auxiliary were selling raffle tickets on this beautiful mat.

Tulips to go.

President Doreen Wooder

Wrapping up a wonderful day.