Impact Report 2014

Prince Edward Island Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries


Healthcare auxiliaries across Prince Edward Island raise hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for hospitals, manors and health projects. Auxiliary volunteers are an important part of the PEI healthcare system and work diligently to improve the lives of their fellow Islanders.
While those who use healthcare facilities benefit from their work everyday, the contribution of auxiliary volunteers is sometimes hidden. Civic leaders and the general public may not realise what it takes to raise this money and the important work the volunteers do.
Here is a look at the impact five of those auxiliaries - the members of the PEI Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries - had on Prince Edward Island’s healthcare system in 2014.
In 2014, 321 Auxiliary members and volunteers gave 25,000 hours for fundraising activities and projects. These people provided items for bake sales, organized and staffed fundraising events, worked at gift shops and new-to-you shops, and sold raffle tickets.
As a result of this hard work, these five groups raised $403,000. They purchased $170,600 in medical equipment, gave $70,500 to health foundations and provided $5,000 in bursaries to students in health-related fields of study.
But beyond the money raised and donated, these volunteers contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of value to the PEI healthcare system through the voluntary work they provide. For example, they may deliver meal on wheels, serve on committees, and visit residents and patients, just to name a few activities.
Healthcare auxiliaries face the same challenges as many other local volunteer groups: aging volunteer base, time constraints faced by younger potential volunteers, and competition with other deserving causes for charitable dollars. Our groups remain committed to meeting these challenges and continuing to raise large amounts of money each year.
We call upon our elected representatives to consider how governmental departments could further support the many volunteer groups providing so much benefit to our Island community. Many supports would cost government little or nothing.  For instance, health volunteers could be included in relevant staff training sessions, greatly increasing the value for money of the cost of engaging outside speakers and trainers.
About the PEIAHA
The Prince Edward Island Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries was formed in 1964. It provides education and mutual support to member auxiliaries and their volunteers.
The PEIAHA’s five member auxiliaries:
  • King’s County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Montague
  • Prince County Hospital Auxiliary, Summerside
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Auxiliary, Charlottetown
  • Stewart Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary, Tyne Valley
  • Western Hospital Auxiliary, Alberton

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